What is sleep apnea?

  • Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder and occurs due to interruption of breathing during sleep. It is important to understand its symptoms and consult your doctor if you think you have these disorders.
  • The treatment of sleep apnea is simple and completely safe, using CPAP breathing devices and a special tube and mask.

Did you know that?
Sleep apnoea affects more than 936 million people worldwide – almost 10 times more than previous estimates. Read Research

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What happens when you have sleep apnea?


An apnea event can be characterized when there is a cessation of airflow to the lungs for ten seconds or more, meaning that the cessation of breathing has occurred


Your brain sends a respiratory stimulation signal to the body to wake up and take a breath and resume the flow of sleep.


These apnea events can happen hundreds of times a night and many people who suffer from sleep apnea are not aware that it is happening to them.

The benefits of sleep apnea treatment and the use of a CPAP device

Effective sleep apnea treatment, which includes the use of CPAP equipment, has been shown to help relieve common symptoms and improve physical energy levels, productivity and overall mind-body well-being. It is important to remember that if left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to other serious health problems.

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What to do?

If you think you or a loved one has sleep apnea, follow these steps:

Contact the doctor about the symptoms you are experiencing

Schedule a sleep study in the hospital or at home

Find out the treatment solutions you have for sleep apnea

Start treating sleep apnea in sleep with CPAP

Answers to frequently asked questions about sleep apnea

The three types of sleep apnoea are divided into obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), central sleep ap noea (CSA) and mixed sleep apnoea. Obstructive sleep apnoea accounts for 84% of sleep apnoea symptoms. Consult your doctor to find out if you have sleep apnea.

A sleep study is the best way to diagnose sleep apnea. The most common sign of sleep apnea is snoring. Depending on the type of sleep apnea you have, other symptoms may include:

  • You report that you stop breathing during sleep
  • Excessive fatigue or tiredness during the day
  • Morning headaches
  • High blood pressure High blood pressure

It is important to point out that anyone can have sleep apnea from men, women and even children. It is usually associated with:

  • Narrow Neck
  • Weight
  • Family history of sleep apnea
  • Increased age

Yes. Sleep apnoea usually occurs in overweight people. The physical shape and structure of the airway (nose and throat) plays a large role in the likelihood of sleep apnea.

The activities we do during the day can make us feel very tired. Sometimes we just need to change our habits before and during sleep. If you feel overly tired in the morning, even though you thought you slept well at night, then you may have sleep disturbances.

Sleep apnoea is a very serious condition and can lead to short and long-term poor health conditions if left untreated. These health habits:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Stroke
  • Obesity/overweight
  • In addition, people with untreated sleep apnea may not have the energy to enjoy all that life has to offer.

Navigation in the categories

Sleep study, diagnosis and treatment


What are the benefits of CPAP therapy


Treatment with CPAP device